AdNews: IAB Australia taking multi-pronged approach on adblocking

Posted by Christian Manie On November 25, 2015 Media Releases

AdNews – Nov. 25, 2015: Off the back of a UK study revealing that just 61% of Brits would rather see ads than pay for content, Interactive Advertising Bureau Australia will launch a study in Australia next year to assess consumers’ understanding of the ad-funded content model.

IAB Australia CEO Alice Manners also revealed that the organisation is also set to launch what it calls the L.E.A.N. Ads Program, to help publishers improve the ad-viewing experience for consumers.

The two steps represent the next stage in IAB Australia’s response to the rise of adblocking, which has come to the fore since Apple’s move to allow adblockers in September 2015. PageFair and Adobe have projected $US41.4 billion in potential ad revenue blocked next year on a global basis.

(Read the full article here.)

– Alison Lowe, AdNews

Christian Manie
