IAB Retail Seminar – Presentations Available

Posted by IAB Australia On June 28, 2012 Research & Resources

The IAB Retail Seminar took place on Wednesday 27 June in Sydney. The event looked at how online and mobile drive purchases, whether that purchase takes place online, on mobile or in a real bricks and mortar store. 

The event was hosted by Megan Brownlow, Executive Director and Editor of the Australian Entertainment & Media Outlook at PwC who kicked-off the event looking at some fascinating economic data on the changing consumer spending behaviours. Gual Barwell, Senior Creative Strategist then took to the stage to showcase how innovation and embracing digital can drive commercial success.

John Batistich, Director of Marketing for Westfield Group then shared his insights on the new path to purchase and how Westfield are using digital throughout that path to engage with and add value to consumers. John also shared several success stories from innovative retailers around the globe. 

The final session by Jonathan Sinton, Executive Director at TNS Australia dwelled more deeply on how mobile technology is revolutionising retail, how consumers are using their mobiles in-store and what some of the future services may look like.

Gual Barwell, Holler:
– Consumers’ expectations will continue to change at an increasingly rapid pace. Innovation begets innovation.
– The key is having many fires but knowing when to throw gasoline on one or a few and water on the rest
– Learn from global leaders. No need to make the same mistakes. 
– See your digital and bricks and mortar activities as complimentary not divisive.
– Being unique is better than being the biggest or the best.

John Batistich, Westfield:
– There are many models. You need to define the path to purchase for your business 
– Segment your customers on behaviour & understand the decision hierarchy 
– Map the customer journey for your key customer segments 
– Understand how digital channels are influencing your customer paths and determine their impact/value 
– Design the experience. Define the critical touch-points & identify where you can win 

Jonathan Sinton, TNS Australia:
– Don’t stick your head in the sand. It [mobile revolution] is happening and will only increase
– Ensure your pricing strategy is regularly benchmarked (vs. online)
– Mobile optimised site/search = hygiene factor. Mobile app = ahead of the game?
– Cross promote mobile capabilities in-store and encourage interaction

For any questions about the event or if you are interested in speaking or sponsoring our events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via events@iabaustralia.com.au.

IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
